BOTNOMICS is a patented, cutting edge developer of a workplace automation software crafted to manage end-user devices.
The company's maiden offering provides a predictive self-healing for all connected devices, predictive analysis, and proactive issue resolution with minimal human intervention, the self-heal capability to resolve issues on the go and dynamic user interface to view alerts, perform non-invasive resolutions enabling end-users to get support services powered by intelligent automation and real-time analytics for their device health.
Vision Statement:
BOTNOMICS is a Techrola company, Pioneering in the development of Cognitive and digitalization. We turn technology dreams into reality & we aim to create Smarter companies With BOTIntelligence.
Mission statement:
BOTNOMICS to bring in the latest auto-bot technology and be a pioneer in desktop automation,which would help to reduce the monotonous efforts in to digitally analytical or auto-healing solution or and in a way to deflect problems even before they occur.
The vigorous nature of the services industry creates a very complex and challenging business environment for companies to sustain and maintain costs.
Following a complacent and conventional models to achieve success does not work very well in the current competitive market.
Increasing the manpower in proportion to business revenue has become a thing of the past. With the advent of cutting edge technologies, advanced communications and globalization, the services industry is obligated to think beyond manpower and move from cost-arbitrage based models to other effective transformational models that add value.
At Botnomics, we move your employees from lower value 'swivel chair' activities to more creative activities such as defining problems, setting strategies and serving customers. In the simplest of concepts, intelligent automation solutions will help people improve mean time to resolve, enable shift left on total cost to serve.
Why it matters
In today's competitive and fast-paced business world, organisations need to innovate to keep pace.
Continuously driving business efficiencies is key to realising competitive advantage.
Investing in process driven desktop automation would be a proven and reliable strategy to reduce costs, streamline business processes and ultimately remain competitive.
As they say -technology isn't the innovation, but the catalyst that frees people to innovate. More than anything else, intelligent automation gives humans to space and time to think and to create. Workers now have numerous technologies and tools to drive productivity—just imagine life without Microsoft Office or email or Google—but that technology is stressing us out because we have to operate, manage, and fix it.
The new norm is 24/7/365 availability, enabled by smart devices and the internet.
Our constant connection has tethered us to the workplace even when we're not physically there. We're stuck managing processes that are aided by but not automated by technology. We find ourselves overcommitted to work because of technology enablement that keeps us continually connected with no real plan to dig out from the 24-hour workday.
Leverage analytics to understand the performance
If your organisation is like most, you may feel overwhelmed by the huge data volumes it generates or manages. You may also struggle to consolidate data to gain a single view of operations and/or performance. While it can be tempting to engage a team of data analysts to make sense of your data, there is a compelling and cost-effective alternative: harnessing the power of analytics to identify which processes should be automated, whilst simultaneously gaining visibility into process efficiency.
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